Moortop Garage

MOT Testing

MOT testing is a legal requirement for all vehicles over three years old, with the purpose of making sure that your car meets the minimum safety requirements.Moortop garage provide MOT services for:
Class 1 Van MOT
  • Motorbike (engine size up to 200 cm3)
  • Motorbike with sidecar (engine size up to 200 cm3)
Class 2
  • Motorbike (engine size over 200 cm3)
Class 4
  • Cars (up to 8 passenger seats)
  • Motor caravans
  • Quads (max unladen weight 400kg - for goods vehicles 550kg and max net power of 15kw)
  • Dual purpose vehicles
  • Private hire and public service vehicles (up to 8 seats)
  • Ambulances and taxis
  • Private passenger vehicles and ambulances (9 to 12 passenger seats)
  • Goods vehicles (up to 3,000kg design gross weight)
Class 5
  • Private passenger vehicles and ambulances (13 to 16 passenger seats
  • Private passenger vehicles and ambulances (more than 16 passenger seats)
  • Playbuses
Class 7
  • Goods vehicles (over 3,000kg up to 3,500kg design gross weight)

To book a service, MOT or repair with Moortop garage phone 01663 765895 or call in to see us.

Motorhome MOT